
Showing posts from August, 2018


When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, not only were they ashamed, but they lost the ability to commute with God,  lost God's righteousness and lost his holiness. The consequence of Adam's (The Head) sin was so severe the entire earth with all creation became cursed.  All plant life, sea life, animals of the air and land, all turned against man in complete rebellion. Man (All Men) was now in a beast like state and  lost authority over the sea, land & air including spiritual high places. Satan was released from bondage and free to roam around to steal your praise, (Worship to God) kill your faith, (Deceive your trust) and destroy! (Your life) Every seed from Adam is defiled and fall short of God's glory, from birth, all are destined to face death twice, one physically and the other spiritually. (Only believers die once & then resurrected) The human DNA (Flesh) has been tainted and no longer can be accepted by God and all flesh will return to the ground but by t...


Lets clear up the confusion of ancient civilizations, the Holy Word reveals a history (Book of Genesis) of spiritual fallen angels disturbing & messing with the gene pool. (Convinced man & woman to turn away from natural relations & ways of conception) The woman (Pl) gave birth to a race rebellious to the almighty God. The results were giant size half beast and half human beings (This is where all the stories of were wolves, mermaids, flying hybrid creatures existed) The fallen angels (Book of Enoch) ruled and controlled the Nephilim's of the earth. Common abilities: Mind control, super strength, warrior's knowledge, sorcery, space travel etc... The Nephilim's ruled the ancient civilizations and forced man to make human sacrifices for Satan's pleasure and knowledge of power. Why? Satan has been trying to return to heaven illegally since judgement removed him from his heavenly position. (Book of Genesis) He comes to steal, kill & destroy. Every knowledg...


Are there enough words, to express love for a newborn? or words gentle enough to effectively explain a baby's touch. And which words could intimately describe kisses on the forehead or laying of a baby's head on the chest?. Or when the scent that absorbs through clothing and fills the atmosphere with affection & tenderness. And what about words to explain the silent bonding only felt by the inward spirit or even words to share the first kiss, first hug or even the little heartbeat with intention and purpose. Then, again and again, the sound of, feed me, burp me, so sleep can take me. Where do I find words to say thank you, Lord, for your blessings & of course, your protection? Let's not forget words to give mommy & and daddy ,congratulations & and a positive thumbs up... Words, words so many to choose from but none are enough, to express first love for a newborn! Blessings from Rabakk!!!