
Showing posts from May, 2016


It has been passed on from generation to generation, as children are taught this phrase "Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones But Words Will Never Hurt Me!" but this is a lie from conception and I will tell you why! Proverbs 18:2(NKJV)                                                                                                                           Death and life are in the power of the tongue And those who love it will eat its fruit. The tongue can build up a person or tear him/her down depending on the intent of the words. If a child is constantly told he/she is a failure (most cases) he/she will lack confidence and struggle in life! It will affect their ability to build relationships and many times get involved with people who would verbally abuse them. ( Appealing to dysfunction ) The tongue can be used as a weapon and pierce the very soul of a person or nation. After all, didn't Satan use words to lure Eve into sin and convinced Adam to follow. From