Smile! The day was prepared for you and the night will not last too long. In one decision your stormy clouds become clear and tears of sadness and fear are turned into gladness and cheer. Love is on the horizon just reach for it! No longer apart of rejection and separation. Christ is on the case because your outcome has already been determined. Don't you know! Satan lost his rule and hold over you. When Christ decided to bare the cross, he stepped down from his thrown and camouflaged into human form and freely exchanged his righteousness for your sins. And every chosen person can stand firm on his truth, follow the way and live for eternity, for eternity now resides in you! Smile! You are accounted for, you are the sparkle in God's eye. You have been redeemed from the consequence of sin, so be in empowered in his righteousness, for you are a new creature and have been freed from the old nature. The beast is dead and the spirit is alive, so realize you have conqu...