Dear Hosea: I am amazed at your obedience and dedication chasing after God’s word to the extent of marrying a woman of dishonorable character. I understand God is all knowledgeable and set in motion a contrast between your wife and Israel’s spiritual position of rebellion. But Hosea, how were you able to keep your composure when your wife returned to the shameful lifestyle in which exposed your glory among men with distasteful & lustful intent? How were able to sleep, while your wife was being entertained by lofty men while sleeping in their homes infested with demons seeking to take her life? How were you able to deal with the gut-wrenching pain and the thoughts of jealousy seeking to overtake your mind? And what did you tell your children when your wife was straying about and abandoning her responsibilities? What did you tell your neighbors when they saw her in the marketplace wearing another man’s jewelry and spending his money? And most intriguing to me, how were you a...