Dear Hosea:
I am amazed at your obedience and dedication chasing after God’s word to the extent of marrying a woman of dishonorable character. I understand God is all knowledgeable and set in motion a contrast between your wife and Israel’s spiritual position of rebellion. But Hosea, how were you able to keep your composure when your wife returned to the shameful lifestyle in which exposed your glory among men with distasteful & lustful intent?
How were able to sleep, while your wife was being entertained by lofty men while sleeping in their homes infested with demons seeking to take her life?
How were you able to deal with the gut-wrenching pain and the thoughts of jealousy seeking to overtake your mind? And what did you tell your children when your wife was straying about and abandoning her responsibilities?
What did you tell your neighbors when they saw her in the marketplace wearing another man’s jewelry and spending his money? And most intriguing to me, how were you able to buy her back from her slave master and restore her to a distinguishable position in your home and lov her as if she never dishonored her vows.

Dear brother:
I still remember the sleepless nights and the endless tears I had to conceal from my servants. My days felt like I was mourning a death and my nights felt as long as my last breath. It was extremely difficult to pray when my wife was living elsewhere and I had no knowledge of her wellbeing. Although God was deliberate in his timing of his messages, I held on to every word of promise. My singing of praise and intimate worship to the Lord helped heal the wounds of misery & despair as God heard my prayers which turned into tears that he selected and poured in to a clay jar and when he stirred his tears with mine, he anointed my head with oil that overflowed me with joy unspeakable. When my Lord instructed me to buy her back from her master, my heart was troubled with seeing her again but when I saw her astonishment and jesters of gratefulness, my heart melted and I realized I was loving her with the love of God especially seeing where she’s going to be instead of where she’s coming from. My eyes were now fitted with God’s lenses and I was able to see her clean and without blemish instead of distain and repulsiveness. And most of all, I’m anticipated holding her gentle arms and touching her smooth warm skin, while engulfed in my love for a life time. Amen and all honor & glory to God.

Dear Readers:
As we look at the life of Hosea, we can compare it to the life of Jesus Christ. Although we are born in filthy rags and infested with sin, Christ still died for us and exchanged his righteousness and glory for our wretchedness. When he was on earth he led, prayed, resurrected, laughed, danced, inspired, taught, challenged, cried, mourned, disciplined, healed, cleansed and saved. I encourage you practice the same as you walk with Christ in your own personal relationship. He has all the joy, peace, and true happiness awaiting you, just trust him, and oh my, what wonders! Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, by Rabakk

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