I once asked the Lord to show me how to love his people...
Holy devotion starts with sacrifice of flesh prepared at the alter;
One's time, one's pride, every selfish desire must be left behind...
Be willing to walk in dark places, keeping fear in submission;

Be willing to wear sanctified armor, not seen by 20/20 vision;
Be willing to face rejection and separation, for your fight is with betrayal;
hate and his slick vipers....
Hold on to forgiveness & dwell in humility, for it will be your catalyst; 
Be prudent and vigilant because there's no therapy for turning back, in this!;
Prepare your temple for Holy Spirit business;
Temple shaking, molding and preparing...

Every sinful nature broken off and burned beyond recognition;
Stir up your spiritual gifts by claiming God's eternal gift!
Boldness and confidence is your strength as the Holy Spirit wisdom increases your faith;
Every step will be tested, every decision accounted for;
In this place, obedience is required and anointed praise is evident!

Allow the Holy Spirit to:
lead you, teach you, build you, anoint you, empower you, fight for you, bless you, saturate you, satisfy you, correct you, caress you, humor you and love you in his consuming fire! (Holy Spirit fire)

Be Blessed and. Be a Blessing....


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