If every decision and action were displayed before you on scrolls and every intent measured and balanced, what would be your outcome! Are you a "good person", a "bad person" or are you are just a person doing what is needed to survive by any means necessary. Can you truly say you're happy and fulfilled or are you chasing after shadows and tails?
Let us put down religion for a moment and strip back all the obstacles that might be in the way of change. I know you have lost family and some loved ones and you have the right to complain but hear my words, just for a moment! Forget about the intimidating building with a cross at the top, forget about the congregation that may have judged you in the past, forget about the pastor or bishop wearing fancy outfits or shiny jewelry, forget about the church member you saw in a strip joint last week, forget about the old pastor that was caught robbing tithes, forget about politicians that claim to know God but love their title more than people, definitely forget you were told Christ is caucasian, Forget about your mother that beat you with her bible, forget about the adult that robbed your innocence, forget about the bully that stole your lunch money and God was too busy. If you can put all those things down for a moment and trust Jesus Christ, you'll have nothing to lose, for all those things are still waiting for your return. But! If you chose to pick up Christ's sword and armor, all those old things have no place to rest!
Imagine getting a second chance at life with peace as your footwear, a renewed mind filled with spiritual wisdom as your helmet, Truth as your belt and support, a breastplate of righteousness and a shield of faith to protect against every offense and fiery dart of your enemy (Satan) and greatest of all, the sword of Christ's word which is a covering of LOVE, protecting you and others you encounter.
Imagine living everyday with divine purpose and the ability to bless and uplift others from their place of destitute. It's not about how much you pray, it's not about the size of the church, it's not even about how much money you have but it's about your heart willing to make a decision to accept Christ and believe he is the only way of redemption (Cancellation of all sin) and salvation. (Christ exchanging his righteousness for your sin and enabling you access to heaven's paradise for eternity)
My brother, my sister, look around you, nothing is left to condemn or persecute you, just turn around, let go of the old things (repent) and look up to the cross (humility) and Christ will comfort you (Love on you) and take control of your life! (Make you a leader and soldier of the cross), Amen!
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!