To the Intelligent, Creative and Unique:

Are we accurate and truthful to be called Americans of the land of the bold, honorable and free!
If we really all look in the mirror do we like what we see or are we chasing after happiness and freedom. Let me reason with you with a series of questions, for you alone to answer!

a) What does an American look like?

b) When your adversary tells you that you are ugly, worthless and a failure, do you believe him/her?

c) Are you disgusted when a teammate or classmate falls short and causes you to fail?

d) Are you aggravated or aggressive during a presidential election year?

e) If majority of the politicians elected, lie & steal, does that make you a liar & a thief?

f) Does the leaders of America reflect the people of America, status, ideals & creativity?

g) If your father is a Republican and your mother is a Democrat, which way do you vote!

h) Do you feel America is divided and if so, could you explain why?

I) Which is worse,  liars & thieves in your neighborhood or liars & thieves in congress?

j) A man/woman works his/her whole life but his/her company goes bankrupt right before retiring, did he/she live a successful life?

k) If you were stranded in a dessert at night and the only one who decided to stop & help was a Afro-American or a homosexual person, would you allow him/her to help?

l) If two children are put in a play pin but only one toy is given to them & each day the toy is given to the same child each day, what would happen?

m) Have you ever been discriminated against or called the "" word?

n) Why are blue color crimes and white color crimes have different forms of incarceration?

o) Are you offended by the mention of Jesus Christ?

p) Does God still speak to select prophets verbally?

q) If you had 24 hrs to live, what would you do?

r) Does your behavior determine if your a good person or a bad person or if you go to heaven or not?

s) Does God change his character over time?

t) If God exist why is there so much corruption on the earth?

u) Is love physical or spiritual?

v) Can you be in a room filled with people and still be alone?

w) Does mental & emotional medication and psychiatrists really help?

x) Are you happy in life?

y) If you prayed 5 minutes a day for a month for Jesus Christ to reveal himself, would he answer?

z) Do you know Jesus Christ as your lord and savior?

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