Elijah decided to take a break from his accounting work and headed over to a local sandwich shop. While eating his meal, he overheard two gentlemen speaking, one bearded man with a beer belly, sarcastically said, as he reads the front of a young woman's t-shirt,: "Virgin, Special Life!" , " Yeah right, she's like in her early 20' s... The next man across with a proud voice responded: " If that was my girl, she wouldn't be a virgin for long!... So both men laughed and & continued eating!
Elijah, who was beside himself, was disgusted with their comments because he himself was a virgin at 22 yrs. old and still waiting for his bride!
After steering at his hot Steamy, Philly Cheese Steak, doused in his favorite Huava Guava BoomSauce, he pondered, how he would express his love to his future bride. So Elijah streams the internet on his smartphone and examines several devotional letters, but after just a few, he was discouraged and rushed to finish his meal then returned to work!
Later that evening, while looking over his Condo's balcony, he watched an elderly woman in her garden speaking to her roses, while trimming them. And then he saw, one rose separated from another, it wasn't red or purple but more like a vibrant fuchsia and stood strong & elegant. Suddenly Elijah jumps off his chair & boots up his laptop & profusely begins to type as inspiration takes hold. The letterhead started with a poem, "My Rose!" And read!
I picked you out of the garden among many like you, some even, some taller and some shorter, but you caught my eye! Your aroma reminded me of a flavor I once loved as a child! I would love to take you home & plant you in your own nourishing soil surrounded by sunlight, warmth, and comfort!
I would clean your stem day after day, but never touch your thorns because a mother's instinct is to protect her young.
I would remove all your damaged pedals & broken leaflets because failure & imperfection, doesn't fit you!
I would continuously encourage you to grow and expand your borders.
I would comfort your peduncles when you're in pain & caress your bracts when your past brings tears!
When you are sad or in mourning, I would remember never to over shower you and always listen to your concerns.
I would always defend you when flies and insects attack your sepals & buds and always respect your point of view with understanding & love!
I would treat you so special, no other garden would be attractive or captivating enough to compete with my affection, for I would tell you how much I adore you, day in and day out, with endless terms of endearment to soothe you as you go to sleep!
So sweet heart! …Would you be my Rose?