All flesh is under a curse from birth due to sin infesting us and our world! It began with a ignorant decision by Adam and Eve leading to disobedience to God's instruction. Adam was given all things with full authority over the earth, water and heavens. Eve was his supporter and companion but made a poor choice. They were allowed to eat from every other tree except for the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. All creation was at peace and in order until Satan enticed Eve by appealing to her mind, flesh, and her sense of sight, smell, and touch, all leading her to eat the forbidden fruit from the forbidden tree. After noticing no consequences of her action, she convinced Adam to join in. At this point, all creation was cursed due to the fact that any creation who disobeys God is separated from him and placed into darkness... The earth and the universe were also cursed because they were put under man's authority and the man was formed from the earth, so anything associated with the man was stained.
God's consequence for Satan was for him to crawl on his belly which was actually lowering him on a spiritual level... Eve's punishment leads to all women having pain in childbirth and they will desire the man's position of authority and not obtain it! (Ladies we talking spiritually)
The man will be held responsible for his household and it's spiritual health! Adam's punishment was he would continuously have to work from the sweat of his brow to obtain his goals, meaning all things were lost spiritually and he is left with only the physical. Adam realized very quickly, his ability to speak things into being and the ability to name God's creation around him was lost for eternity.
Pain, fear, shame, insecurity & dishonesty, were all apart of mankind for eternity!
Let's look at childbirth today, while in the womb a baby is constantly feeling itself and surroundings in order to understand it's identity. The eyes and mouth are closed in most cases, with no sight and no taste, but touch and smell are limited. Finally, when a child is born, his/her eyes open up to the light and his/her mouth opens with a cry! The first feeling is pain and desperation until he/she is in the arms of the parents!

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