Let me tell you why mothers are so loved. They suffered so just to bring a life into this world and they sacrificed themselves for the benefit of their children through hours of labor pains with no end. Their sleepless nights, endless breastfeeding (most) continuous changing of pampers (or wrapped cloth) continuous burping & sleep monitoring, staying on top of doctor appointments & safety practices and let's not forget, the fears of inexperience & mothers questioning themselves... Did I do this right or that right? How much or how little? ... Where is mom or grandma when I need her? Fighting the urge of returning the child like a bad hair product...just kidding! We mostly appreciate a mother's for dealing with the mistakes of their children from accidents to possible jail time, all the motivation and persistence to make sure her children finish school, And last, the disciplines to make sure her children stay focused.
Well on behalf of many, we appreciate moms everywhere for all the little things you do to make sure we grew upright. Your dedication, determination & endurance are truly a reflection of God's love for us, Let your family love on you because it's your day & you deserve every moment... Happy Mother's Day and we love you all...
                                                                                                            by Rabakk (Eddie B)

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