Please allow me to speak hope to the depths of your soul... I often hear people say” everything is good” as if they have LIFE UNDER CONTROL! I notice how they carry themselves and the way they dress, with a smile without any worries or regrets. So why do they splurge money they haven't work for yet and pretend to be rich and famous. Why do they seek love mates only found in love novels and use movie romantics to measure the quality of their relationships? Don't they know they're being set up for failure, similar to sailing on a sinking ship, for when reality sets in, depression and discouragement takes over? But, yet! Their LIVES ARE UNDER CONTROL . People love to party and party hard, til morning light, consuming excess liquor to a place of drunkenness. When they were younger, their drinks were Budweiser, Heineken and longIsland Ice-Teas, now their drinks are high class, indulging in fine wine and every liquors delight. So of-course, with maturity liquors are serv...