
Showing posts from November, 2015


Please allow me to speak hope to the depths of your soul... I often hear people say” everything is good” as if they have LIFE UNDER CONTROL! I notice how they carry themselves and the way they dress, with a smile without any worries or regrets. So why do they splurge money they haven't work for yet and pretend to be rich and famous. Why do they seek love mates only found in love novels and use movie romantics to measure the quality of their relationships? Don't they know they're being set up for failure, similar to sailing on a sinking ship, for when reality sets in, depression and discouragement takes over? But, yet! Their LIVES ARE UNDER CONTROL . People love to party and party hard, til morning light, consuming excess liquor to a place of drunkenness. When they were younger, their drinks were Budweiser, Heineken and longIsland Ice-Teas, now their drinks are high class, indulging in fine wine and every liquors delight.  So  of-course, with maturity liquors are serv...


We know when a seed of man grows in a woman, similar to a plant in fertile soil, develops by receiving resources from the womb’s environment. (Mother’s nutrition). From the point of when God enables us a soul, our flesh is dependent on survival desiring and striving to be born. All our senses are heightened first by tasting, (Mom’s feeding) hearing, (Parents voices) smelling, (Mom’s fragrance) touch through pain and comfort, (birth process) eventually sight to colors (Parent’s faces). What is the point? Well, our flesh is always in need of comfort but is never truly satisfied. A baby requires your time, your provision, and your affection which is a direct correlation to our relationship with Christ, he desires for dependency on him and he requires a decision of obedience with determined trust in faith. The most important difference, though, is the soul filled with  P eace, J oy, and L ove! ( Hebrews 11:1(KJV) Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evide...


  When the walls have surrounded you and daylight is restricted, the hope of freedom seems grim and illusive. The pain is real, the hurt is deep and loneliness takes your breath away.  When reality sets in, fear grips the heart and the mind struggles with despair. If you’re in this place, be encouraged, light doesn't only shine from outside but can from within, for the light of God is LOVE and is capable of the miraculous and extraordinary things... In one decision of faith, to believe Jesus Christ bared his cross for you and me, instantly you are transformed into an empowered being... The access of LOVE  is unlimited and as you bear fruit, everything that was dead in you, now is alive, every insecurity is turned into  self-confidence, fear turned into love and hate into compassion... This  LOVE   is the only hope because sin has broken the heart of the world and is bitter, as the darkness grows, so its appetite to devour man-kind and bold eno...


We know a pencil can erase mistakes and allow you to rewrite a word, a sentence, or a testimony, sustaining a perfect end result...  And we also know a pen is formal, permanent and has limitless styles of elegance and although it can be covered up, it still remains...  The ink, although prestigious, needs to be flawless to complete its masterpiece.  Our sins (which flaws us before God) can be hidden from the plain sight or our sins can be promoted boldly, but in either case, the consequence of sin is still death...  God's law is also permanent and cannot change and its purpose is to reveal our sins leading to judgment... As Moses was given the Ten Commandments for the Israelite's, (Hundreds followed from other nations)  They still needed a yearly sacrifice... Brothers\Sisters, Christ paid the price when he sacrificed himself on the altar in obedience to the father. He has given all authority to Christ to erase our mistakes, shortcomings, and every ...


           Let me introduce myself, I am a voice in the wilderness, and I’m here to tell you, these days Christ's Holy Spirit is bringing it and not playing with it!                                                                                                                          I’ve always been an admirer of Hip-Hop and the rap game while being born in Brooklyn and schooled in Queens, I heard the voices of the ghetto surrounding me. I remember the cries of my fellow brethren’s looking for identity and ways to escape the crime and adversity, many were consumed by it, others took it to the street corners spitting about their passions, trials, an...


                The Conversation Listen to a conversation between a mocker of the faith and a true believer... As they sit on a park bench they decided to settle the whole faith issue... The mocker starts with, why do I need God when I can achieve whatever I desire with ambition, determination, and self-promotion... (Reply (B) believer) But how long does that last?... (Reply) (M) mocker) What do you mean, until I die... (B) Then what?... (M) That's it, there's no more,  your times done (B) So tell me, If I'm understanding you right, a man can work hard his entire life and loss it all and then pass away and that's it? (M) He probably had bad luck... (B) Really, so have you ever dropped a glass or walked under a ladder or maybe seen a black cat? (M) Yeah but I have a lucky rabbit's foot and my grandfather's silver dollar... (B) Well, I've seen those things too, but my Bible tells me in 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the ...