When the walls have surrounded you and daylight is restricted, the hope of freedom seems grim and illusive. The pain is real, the hurt is deep and loneliness takes your breath away. 
When reality sets in, fear grips the heart and the mind struggles with despair. If you’re in this place, be encouraged, light doesn't only shine from outside but can from within, for the light of God is LOVE and is capable of the miraculous and extraordinary things...
In one decision of faith, to believe Jesus Christ bared his cross for you and me, instantly you are transformed into an empowered being... The access of LOVE is unlimited and as you bear fruit, everything that was dead in you, now is alive, every insecurity is turned into 
self-confidence, fear turned into love and hate into compassion...

This LOVE  is the only hope because sin has broken the heart of the world and is bitter, as the darkness grows, so its appetite to devour man-kind and bold enough to tell him he can manage on his own... Darkness is keen on strategic tactics to offend, abuse and manipulate minds, may it be indifference, jealousy, envy, self-sufficiency, or maliciousness, they're all your enemy's weapons & all leads to spiritual death.....
Have you lost the ability to care about others?
Have the anger from unfairness made you bitter?
Do you seek revenge from something that happened a long time ago?
Brothers and Sisters, these things lead to bondage. Christ stood in the gap for man because he knew, man couldn't fight spiritual battles with his flesh....
Christ for-filled the law by revealing the true essence of his father’s love.  And REALIZE! There's no greater love than a man willing to sacrifice himself for another, so much greater Love, Christ sacrificed himself for every man....
He was mocked, beaten, spit on, disgraced, and crucified.... How many of you would do such an act for a stranger? There is no other faith in the world that promotes repentance, forgiveness, and redemption for whoever will believe.....
If anyone feels being Christ-like is weakness, considered the strength to forgive a person who has hurt you!
It is always easier to seek revenge or retaliation , because the hate in them is now in you!
As far as, the enemies that despise you and your faith, they're already in a place of darkness and they have rejected the only light that can save them.

I encourage you to be vigilant and shine the Love of Christ in you!!!
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!

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