The Conversation

Listen to a conversation between a mocker of the faith and a true believer... As they sit on a park bench they decided to settle the whole faith issue...
The mocker starts with, why do I need God when I can achieve whatever I desire with ambition, determination, and self-promotion...
(Reply (B) believer) But how long does that last?...
(Reply) (M) mocker) What do you mean, until I die...
(B) Then what?...
(M) That's it, there's no more,  your times done
(B) So tell me, If I'm understanding you right, a man can work hard his entire life and loss it all and then pass away and that's it?
(M) He probably had bad luck...
(B) Really, so have you ever dropped a glass or walked under a ladder or maybe seen a black cat?
(M) Yeah but I have a lucky rabbit's foot and my grandfather's silver dollar...
(B) Well, I've seen those things too, but my Bible tells me in 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind, so that tells me I’m free. This world has no power over me and it can only affect the flesh, not the Holy Spirit who resides in me...
(M) What, the Bible! Man wrote that book and people who follow it are brainwashed and worse, religious people cause wars...
(B) Ok!  you seem to have it all together, well! Listen to my point;
What do you do when fear knocks on your door?
Who do you trust and how do you avoid being betrayed or taken advantage of?
How well do you sleep knowing you may not wake up?
And when you have gathered your share of riches, who guarantees it’s upkeep after you’re gone?
If a man is so able to survive on his own;
Why does he need psychiatrists, psychics, and several women to keep him from being lonely?
If man is doing so well;
Why is he/she have their own drug store in their medicine cabinet...
Why does a man put his faith in gambling and unable to pay his debts...?
Shall I go on?
(M) Well, What about your brothers and sisters who claim to be Holy Christians?
(B) Well, I’m not sure about what you mean by claim to be but the answer is yes…Christians who walk-in his righteousness, reasonable response is holiness!
(M)* Oh Yeah! Well, let me tell you about Christians I know,  I once drove by a church and stopped at a red light overhearing a car full of ladies all dressed up and dressed out sitting in a convertible BMW with their bibles on the dashboard, criticizing their own members...
I heard the driver say " Do you believe the dress she wore today and those horrendous shoes... ah ugly!..." I have more! I met a woman at a club once and danced with her all night. When I took her home, she invited me up for a nightcap. Later that night she told me she had to get up early for church because she was in the church choir... The church is just a cover-up, hiding who they really are!
(B) Wow! Well, I want to apologize to you!
(M) Apologize? So I'm right?
(B) No, That's not it. I'm apologizing because the only forms of godliness you know are hypocrites of the faith and you should realize and recognize they’re walking on thin ice of grace.
(M) I don’t know what grace you're talking about, all I know is Christians are frauds, So tell me, what’s does it mean to be a Christian?
(B) First of all, we are humbled and thankful by the fact and the act that Jesus died on the cross, taking away all our sins, past, present and future... 2nd, fear, anxiety, hate, jealousy, envy, even lust,  none of these have power over us... 3rd, death has been defeated so we look forward to new positions in new bodies for eternity... What you can't see, God loved man so much, he came down to his limited state in order that man in his beast condition could stand upright,  again in authority and in a promoted position,  to have a relationship with him once again...
(M) Really!. Every sin?
(B) Every sin, every mistake, every offense, abuse, guilt, hatred, and maliciousness… all swept clean, that's what it means to be redeemed...
(M) It sounds so easy, I've been around the world and if you’ve seen, what I've seen, you wouldn’t believe either. If I didn’t recite well, give money or drive a Benz, God doesn't recognize me...
(B) I'm sorry again, for what you’ve been exposed to, but you can trust me, Christ can’t be bought and salvation isn’t for sale but by surrendering your heart and admitting that you’re a sinner and in need of repentance is a move from unbelief to believing and it’s the first miracle in one' life ... .
After 10 minutes the mocker's eye becomes watery and confesses he lied, stole, and hurt some people... The believer puts his hand on the mocker's shoulder and prays the sinner’s prayer...
In the end, he says thank you, Jesus, for anointing me for the work of the kingdom, turning a mocker into a believer.
Amen!... Amen!
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing, byRabakk.

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