
The Best Feature


                The Conversation Listen to a conversation between a mocker of the faith and a true believer... As they sit on a park bench they decided to settle the whole faith issue... The mocker starts with, why do I need God when I can achieve whatever I desire with ambition, determination, and self-promotion... (Reply (B) believer) But how long does that last?... (Reply) (M) mocker) What do you mean, until I die... (B) Then what?... (M) That's it, there's no more,  your times done (B) So tell me, If I'm understanding you right, a man can work hard his entire life and loss it all and then pass away and that's it? (M) He probably had bad luck... (B) Really, so have you ever dropped a glass or walked under a ladder or maybe seen a black cat? (M) Yeah but I have a lucky rabbit's foot and my grandfather's silver dollar... (B) Well, I've seen those things too, but my Bible tells me in 2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear;

I Stand!!!

I have been toiling for a long time and countering moves against my adversaries but I stand. I have endured temptations for decades and fought Satan's workers to the end but still I stand. I have been afflicted by betrayal and held in my grasp offenses and unfairness but I stand. I have been attacked by depressive thoughts and held hopelessness and loneliness yet I stand. I have experienced sickness that was meant to hurt me and sustained injuries trying to keep me bound but I stand. And when I stand, I grow from faith to faith and victory to victory; I have seen the power of unconditional love and I have been engulfed in its presence, I stand. I have been forgiven and my life is not my own so daily I tell my flesh the spirit is king over the thrown, I stand. I have experienced Christ's grace especially in weakness when I stumble but he gives me strength and endurance so I can stand. I stand here today not because I am holier or wiser or even stronger than you but rega


Dear Hosea: I am amazed at your obedience and dedication chasing after God’s word to the extent of marrying a woman of dishonorable character. I understand God is all knowledgeable and set in motion a contrast between your wife and Israel’s spiritual position of rebellion. But Hosea, how were you able to keep your composure when your wife returned to the shameful lifestyle in which exposed your glory among men with distasteful & lustful intent? How were able to sleep, while your wife was being entertained by lofty men while sleeping in their homes infested with demons seeking to take her life? How were you able to deal with the gut-wrenching pain and the thoughts of jealousy seeking to overtake your mind? And what did you tell your children when your wife was straying about and abandoning her responsibilities? What did you tell your neighbors when they saw her in the marketplace wearing another man’s jewelry and spending his money? And most intriguing to me, how were you a


Ephesians 5:27 KJV 27 That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.  When people think about church, they often visualize a building with a cross on top and a place where people gather to hear a sermon or a choir sing or witness a christening or baptism of a child. Many churches uphold yearly traditions and support ministries designed to promote the life and love of Jesus Christ. Many functions of the church are developed to improve fellowship between members of the congregation and between leaders. Each church follows by laws that sets the standard of their denomination and organizes their praise and worship presentation. Today there are over 200 denominations in America and over 45,000 worldwide Christian faith-based churches. Christians form the biggest religious group in the world, approx. 2.3 billion even more than Muslim, approx. 1.8 billion, Hindu 1.1 billion and Bud


Imagine holding a promise layered in time, rich in endurance & patience. Then it happened, the bridge fell down and the debris left open wounds, strength was hard to find in this time but imagine how faith can grow in the midst of darkness. Imagine finding shelter under the almighty when your enemy has a knife at your back. And the Lord says forgive them, for what they do, they do unto me & not unto you. It's necessary to forgive because anger, rev,enge and bitterness awaits you. So Imagine being in a room and the only light shining is the light in you. Imagine waring set in your bones & loins and the word of the Lord is, be still, be prepared & be holy. Imagine tears not from weaknesses but the evident lining fabric of humility... Imagine being anointed for a great work but its enabling, hinged on the development of others. Imagine seeing all the possibilities & potential of unification & effectiveness. But still, the promise is conditional & se


Dear medical family & affiliates: Although you don’t know me, I'm compelled to share a few words from my heart to yours and regardless of where you come from, regardless of your past, and regardless of who you are, carefully listen to these words genially. Although your job at times seems unbearable and despair fills the air around you, remember how significant you are. When the world is ill your called upon and all that you represent come in to play, it doesn't even matter the position you hold, all are significant in the process of care. And when all technology and education have exhausted, who is there to save your day when stress, pain, loneliness, and hopelessness have set in. The human brain can be trained to be a great impressable tool for the advancement of mankind but what about the spirit of him/her. Why do so many lack the value of living even though they're healthy & successful? I tell you the truth with all that is in me, we are spiritual be


All flesh is under a curse from birth due to sin infesting us and our world! It began with a ignorant decision by Adam and Eve leading to disobedience to God's instruction. Adam was given all things with full authority over the earth, water and heavens. Eve was his supporter and companion but made a poor choice. They were allowed to eat from every other tree except for the tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. All creation was at peace and in order until Satan enticed Eve by appealing to her mind, flesh, and her sense of sight, smell, and touch, all leading her to eat the forbidden fruit from the forbidden tree. After noticing no consequences of her action, she convinced Adam to join in. At this point, all creation was cursed due to the fact that any creation who disobeys God is separated from him and placed into darkness... The earth and the universe were also cursed because they were put under man's authority and the man was formed from the earth, so anything associated with th


God has many names that reflect his character, El Sali is one meaning God my strength/my rock! This name alone is sufficient for all of your needs and you will realize experiencing him, reveals his character... God is strong, mighty, capable, physically, mentally & spiritually overpowering, forceful, intensive, infinite, eternal, greatness, all knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Gigantic, enormous, limitless, quite voice, healer, alpha & omega impenetrable, super-powerful, enduring, faultless, stainless. omnipotent, dependable, faithful, faultless, undeniable, unstoppable, the light, the way, truth, love, the word, dedicated, balanced, captivating, nurturing, precise, forgiving, just judge... obedience, holiness, peace, hope, the answer, deliverer, armor, defense, liberty, miracle worker,


When Christ's spirit (Holy Spirit) opens the eyes of a person, he is given full ability to communicate without limits, fear of failure. By his grace, we are able to draw in close, intimately & personally in order to have a great relationship increasing & worthy of a reasonable response.  Prayer is God's spiritual link for all mankind to have access to heavenly powers but only by obedience and believing in the power of his word, can a person's prayer have unlimited potential. When obedience and faith meet, it's the foundation for a miracle. The bible demonstrates endless miracles led by prayers seen & seen. None of the following could have happened without prayer: Noah at the great flood, Abraham's seed brought forth nations, Joseph's triumphs over trials & tribulations, Moses exodus of Israelites from Egypt and parting of the Red Sea, Gideon, a mighty warrior with 300 men defeated hundreds of thousands of soldiers on the battlefield. Samson&


Let me tell you why mothers are so loved. They suffered so just to bring a life into this world and they sacrificed themselves for the benefit of their children through hours of labor pains with no end. Their sleepless nights, endless breastfeeding (most) continuous changing of pampers (or wrapped cloth) continuous burping & sleep monitoring, staying on top of doctor appointments & safety practices and let's not forget, the fears of inexperience & mothers questioning themselves... Did I do this right or that right? How much or how little? ... Where is mom or grandma when I need her? Fighting the urge of returning the child like a bad hair product...just kidding! We mostly appreciate a mother's for dealing with the mistakes of their children from accidents to possible jail time, all the motivation and persistence to make sure her children finish school, And last, the disciplines to make sure her children stay focused. Well on behalf of many, we appreciate moms eve


When I was in darkness, I was blind, deaf & dumb. When I lived to promote self, I often chased pride, hate & sadness. When I followed the world, it led me into darkness. Relationships were hard, even when it seemed easy to get involved. Chasing after materials were an endless passion, clubbing was my release but it never lasted, friendships were short-lived and lacked honor and integrity. I am so thankful Christ never forgot me, he kept sending messages to get my attention. I'm so grateful, I remember the incident, the bullet never had its way, yes, lord, you have my undivided attention. I had so many questions, after that day, who was that voice that told me not to go. Why was I saved to live another day? And now today, where do I go to repay. I learned about the lord's sacrifice and what he did for me. His love cleansed, refreshed & encompassed me, although I was wretched, selfish, and damaged. The church was new for me but my hunger grew exponenti