All of the riches in the world, from the beginning of time, couldn't pay for your unique soul!; You are god's creation and as God is perfect, so is his creation. (You in divine purpose) "For You formed my inward parts, you covered me in my mother’s; womb.; I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. " (Psalm 139:14)(NKJV) Do you know your importance and your value in this world?; God holds you in high regard and regardless of your state or position, God can; Can set you on a righteous path with one decision! Even If you were the last person on earth, God would’ve sent Christ to die for you! And if he holds you so precious, who am I to argue or dispute him. There is, though, a requirement to walk a path of holiness and righteousness and the requirement is; Admission of sin, a repentant and contrite heart and the acceptance and reflection of God’s; U nconditio...