The beatification , glorification, and completion of a man, was and always will be the woman. From the beginning, the man was incomplete and unaware of his absolute purpose in its fullness but his eyes were opened wider, delightfully seeing his other-half come to life then prophesying, a man shall join his woman for life and bear children to replenish the earth. If a man is the head and the woman is the neck, how can he think he can live or function without her support, gifts, and discernment! If a woman is the main component of man’s perfection and completion of God’s creation, how can she find the fulfillment of purpose without him? Woman! Do you know how resilient and extravagant you are, by God's planted seed came forth Christ Jesus, from a woman? Woman! You’ve endured war, endured loss endured culture, endured discrimination and unfairness, endured factions and deliberate laws against a woman’s advancement endured mock marriages and childbearing pain and endured the har...