Mine are hidden behind the scenes;
Although being strong is easy for me;
Tears still fall down my cheeks easily.
A mother knows the cry of her child;
But who knows mine, at my status and;
Renown fame..
My world is filled with pleasures and money delights;
I am surrounded by different interests with no hindsight.
None of them know my pain and fears;
Although good attention surrounds me;
My face, still covered in tears.
I sell my cover with slick, orchestra, social skills;
And breath taking singing & dancing grooves;
Drinking thrills and popping pills;
Some nights I ask myself, what day is this?
And what am I doing?
Already conjuring up lies to excuse my own promotional meeting;
I’m drowning and I need a way to fight without losing;
God If your out there, show me your true self;
So I can stop running;
Some people’s tears are seen;
Mine are hidden behind the scenes;
Although being strong is easy for me;
Tears still fall down my cheeks easily.
I hope to find an answer because being constantly prideful is temporary and;
Short lived and thrives on being an ego pleas-er.
I know the express lane, flying fast entertainment;
Over seas in high class jets with vintage wine, hovering over me.
Getting what I want comes naturally to me, so why do I feel so empty.
Fame and gain was suppose to be, the highest level of success to obtain.
But my tears are still drenched in misery;
My heart takes refuge in keeping busy, so pain & distress can’t consume me;
It seems hopelessness is sadness waiting to start over again.
Some people’s tears are seen;
Mine are hidden behind the scenes;
Although being strong is easy for me;
Tears still fall down my cheeks easily.
My barber insists Christ is the only way to happiness;
But so does Buddhism, Hinduism and Muslim.
Then he says everyone of those leaders bones can be found;
in the ground, but only Christ's bones resurrected.
So I ask myself, can I be forgiven for all the bitterness;
Regret and darkness in my past.
I searched and researched and found, Christ desired to die for me;
Even before the foundations of the earth were known;
He decided to bear the cross at Calvary.
I can’t deny the only way of redemption, for redemption;
Was so great a sacrifice, just for me.
No matter how retched I’ve been, Christ took off his crown;
Just for me.
How can I reject his righteousness, perfectly knitted;
Just for me.
Some people’s tears are seen;
Mine are hidden behind the scenes;
Although being strong is easy for me;
Tears still fall down my cheeks easily.
Who’s there……….The Lord……Lord who?
The Way, The Light, The Truth and The Life!
Be Blessed and Be a Blessing to every artist, for Christ has greater to shine through you!.