Happiness will always be illusive if it’s sought after physically, mentally or emotionally! Some are content, some are always chasing, and some change their definition all together to fit their circumstance.  How can happiness be different for everyone? It’s not, because happiness is spiritual. Everyone has a soul, so everyone can experience the same happiness.

Let me explain! A man goes to Asia or the Middle East to find his wife. Her culture requires her to respect and love her husband regardless of his status or nature. She bares children for him and cherishes him until her life leaves her, all this because she holds her culture in the highest honor.

Then you have the chaser, who marries several times looking for the right guy, yet she keeps getting involved with men who physically or mentally abuses her.

Let’s move on to fulfillment in life in search of happiness, a man sets his goals but never achieves them, he doesn’t make CEO or reach a certain financial status or just as simple as, not marrying the prom queen or the woman doesn't marry or have children at a certain age.

Does this mean all happiness is lost? Let’s take it further what if her husband doesn’t satisfy her sexually or he’s not supportive enough… Ah oh! There goes the marriage! Society today has taken marriage like dating or a test run at the race track and it’s a disgrace to the original foundation formatted by God. Marriage is supposed to be a covenant to God before a covenant to each other. This means a commitment to obey God’s word on how to cherish and love one another.

Many marriages, not all, today unfortunately are very self-centered and competitive.  (America’s culture) Both partners are trying to fit roles set by society like great actors do. In the fifties the woman stayed home in support of her children, in the 80’s she worked. What’s next, the man stays at home or maybe he’s not needed at all!     
                                                                                                                                                             This is what God says Love is: (Components of happiness)         
Corinthians 14:4-7&13(NKJV)                                                                                                                  4 Love suffers long (Endures and covers each other’s faults) and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; 5 does not behave rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; 6 does not rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; 7 bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never fails.                                             13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

Isn't it interesting that we will do all of these, for our children and vice versa! They will fall down   and get hurt and cry, they will make mistakes and disappoint, they will say they love you with a hug and smile, and when they are older they revolt at times and you take on their burdens and cry inside!
But why? L-O-V-E...

What Love is not:

Impatience, lack endurance, violent, jealousy, envy, boastful, prideful, disrespectful, bothersome, beguile (sway or take advantage of others), deceiver (evil plans for personal gain or persecution), unfaithfulness, all of these grow and become master over you and all leads to bondage and eternal death!

It doesn’t matter where you’re from or what you look like, if God’s basic principles are followed, happiness will bear fruit in your life!

Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!

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