Lady Queen, I know you’re curious and you’re looking for your first love;
I feel ya and I know what you’re saying, even the little things mean something.
Your always dreaming of Casanova riding in on a long haired mare, ready to sweep you away!
It’s your Senior year, now, and you’ve grown and your hormones are out of control!
Giggling to your friends about Prom night and sharing secrets about;
Your knight in shinning armor.
I know you’re anxious and ashamed of not being with someone;
And TV shows and movie heroes seem to get it right;
Romantic lines, wine and dine, fancy cars show up on Valentines;
Convincing you, If the mood is right, it’s OK! For your first time.
It’s your passion to meet your sole mate.
But unless there’s a ring, you’re short changing yourself;
Why give up a precious moment to a stranger without a commitment;
Then the day comes and you find out, your just a check-mark on his BBA (Black Book APP) of accomplishments.
Take it slow Lady Queen and keep it real and the marriage vows will come naturally!

Keep it real, love comes in different forms;
Protect your innocence and save it for your wedding night;
It’s too easy to give it up and later live with regrets.
Many have failed but you can do it, just wait!

Man King
, I know you’re on an adventure like an owl on the prowl, looking to score;
I know your insecurities and man-hood challenges, for sure;
Some of you are play acting players and others are trying to fulfill fantasies;
Don’t you know real love is not found in magazines?
Every action has a reaction, every cause has an effect but you’re chasing;
After empty dreams, after emptiness.
I challenge any young man that thinks notches on his belt makes him a
king over his mate;
Man up, find your queen and treat her like a lady, like she aught to be;
It’s not hard to grasp, a Queen should respected and cherished;
It takes a real man to finish what he starts, so are you a King or a peasant!
To be a worthy King you must understand the nature of your Queen;
Gentle words and firm confidence is the key to a woman’s security;
Just be yourself, put her first and everything will work out for the best.
Take it slow Man King and keep it real and the marriage vows will come naturally!   

Keep it real, love comes in different forms;
Protect your innocence and save it for your wedding night;
It’s too easy to give it up and have to live with regrets.Many have failed but you can do it, just wait! 

Every Lady Queen and Man King, Be Blessed and Be a Blessing!

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